
People I work(ed) with/for

Amel Andessner - youth counselor, coach, artist

Elisa Andessner - photography, graphics, video art, performance art

Martin Bauer-Marschallinger - IT expert

Susana Bento - singer, dancer, performance art

Robert Binder - media artist, film producer

Dinko Draganović - media artist, film maker

Philip Drobar - cinematography, editing, post production

Florian Hackl - media artist, physicist

Sina Heiss - director, performer

Moritz Kosa - media artist, script writer

Katharina Mayrhofer - installations

Ottos Mops - band Martina Traxler - layout, yoga

Sabine Traxler - radio show creator

Bernhard Weiss - recording engineer, acoustician

Georg Wohlesser - visual artists, musician, cook

Organizations to which I have/had a relation

AEC Futurelab - lab for art, technology and society

Fronius International

Freies Radio Freistadt

KEBA - automation, banking, energy

Lichtspiele Katsdorf

Lichtspieltheater Lambach

Linz09 - European Capital of Culture

Local-Bühne Freistadt

LTH - Lunds Tekniska Högskola

Moviemento Linz

SOHO Ottaktring

Recendt - Research Center for Non Destructive Testing

SOMAP - Department of Soft Matter Physics @ JKU

Stadtkino Grein

UAR - Upper Austrian Research

Interesting people, associations and things

Daniela Bauer - script writer

Daraja - association for development aid

Markus Eggensperger - dancer, choreographer, dance teacher

habiTAT - association for solidary habitation

Christoph Koch - photographer

Thomas Kreiseder - moderator, consultant, trainer

Vera Mayrhofer - motion design

Verena Mayrhofer - media artist, Filmzuckerl

Chaotic Neurotic - audiovisuaand visual arts, script writer

Pussy Tyrant - glam rock

Schwemmland - urban initiative, magazine

Silberklee - jewelrydesign

Stefan Tiefengraber - media and interactive artist, performances

ER Vasudeva - band

Florian Voggeneder – photographer, media artist

Simone Winkler - photographer, science