Bäuerin.Macht.Image – Documentary

This documentary shows everyday life on Austrian farms with a special focus on female farmers who still have to struggle against traditional role allocations. It was developed by Sabine Traxler and me within the framework of the project "Bäuerin-Macht-Image". The film premiered at the festival "Der neue Heimatfilm" in Freistadt in 2014. It was also shown at the Moviemento in Linz and at cinema in Lambach. The next scheduled presentation will be in the cinema in Katsdorf on the 30th of January, 2015. Follow this link for information about the movie on IMDB. Send me an email if you are interested in buying a DVD (12 EUR + shipping) or Bluray (15 EUR + shipping). I would like to thank everyone who helped makeing this film. I would also like to acknowledge the support we received from "Freies Radio Freistadt" and the Kulturplattform OÖ. The trailer was made by Moritz Kosa and is also available on youtube:
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Hommage an die Widerspenstigen

This documentary was created by Sabine Traxler and me to mark the 100th International Women's Day on 8 March 2011. Music and sound effects by Dinko Draganonvic
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Straßenbefragung zur Einführung einer Linzer Stadtwache

This video shows a street survey on the adoption of the Linz city guard.
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We attended an esoterism fair in the Volkshaus Bindermichl in order to conduct a "scientific" experiment. Here are the links to the full documentary in 3 parts: part1, part2, part3
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